Commission publishes NI charities' annual accounts online

30 Nov 2015 Nick Garbutt    Last updated: 30 Nov 2015

Frances McCandless: greater transparency


The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland has upgraded its online register so it can now display each charity’s annual accounts.

There are currently 3,100 charities registered with the commission, and the changes to the register are part of its mission to increase openness and transparency across the sector.

To date, however there are only a small number of annual reports available. This is because of the way compliance rules work.

Registration with the commission is compulsory but annual reports only have to submit accounts for the first full financial year after registration and then have 10 months to disclose to the commission.

Commission Chief Executive Frances McCandless said: “Making information on each charity’s annual accounts available on a public register is a new and important development for charities enabling them to demonstrate their work in an open and transparent manner.

“I am delighted our new look register of charities is now up and running and I hope, as it grows into the definitive directory of all Northern Ireland charities, it will become a vital checking and research tool for all.”

The register is available on the commission’s website at


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